• Delivered results

    The original report can be retrieved on the spot only; however, the result can be sent by fax or mail from the initials of the patient
    Results download will be available soon !

  • Useful contacts in Blida :

    Senology and mammary surgery
    Mammary micro biopsies
    Therapeutic centres
    Under construction...

  • Physicians in post

    Dr KHEMSI Djamel

    Staff in post

    Mme BELARBI Kheïra
    Mme BENAHMED Salma Waffa
    Mme BENSEDDIK Rebiha
    Mme BENDRISSI Wassila
    Mme Rihiaoui Ikram
    Mme LALEG Hassina

  • Fast report

    In few hours for cytopunctions with his 2 consultation rooms
    The day after for cytologic exams and smear tests.
    In 5 days for tissue tests thanks to progressive automation of technical steps.
    Restart of immuno-histochimy exams.

Localization and opening

From sunday to thursday from 8h00 at 17h00

The friday from 8h00 at 12h00

Note : The cytopunctions are made sunday to thursday from 8h00 at 12h00 only. It is not necessary to be fasting if you have only one exam (cytopunction) to do.

The office is closed Non-work days and public holidays, friday afternoon and saturday

Useful information

Last update : march 202

  • Our exams

    All exams are made at the laboratory subcontractor.

  • Quality

    All chemical products used for the treatment of the cells and tissues are traceable, new and high quality . In Anatomy-pathology, the number of exams has more impact on the prices tha the prices and/or the quality of the products used to treat them.

Prices 2022 without convention

Prices 2022 without convention
Current prices Social security approved prices
Simples biopsies (1 flask) 1800 Da 1600 Da
Floored biopsies (2 à 4 flasks) 2000 Da 1800 Da
Floored biopsies (5 à 6 flasks) 2500 Da 2300 Da
Little operating pieces 2500 Da 2300 Da
Medium operating pieces 3000 Da 2700 Da
Big operating pieces 4000 Da 3500 Da
Cytology smear tests 1000 Da 900 Da
Cytopunctions 1800 Da 1800 Da

Make an appointment

Last news

We work in a convivial and efficient surrounding using the last technologies and we share our acknowledge to give a pertinent diagnostic and to practise advanced therapies.

© 2016-2025 LaboBlida KHEMSI